Actors are Real People

Despite what the fine print on your TV ads might say, actors are real people. Truly, they are! Unfortunately, I am continuously amazed that a percentage of the population treat celebrities as though they are not.

Actors (whether on screen or stage) have hopes and dreams, family and friends, ups and downs, and yes, even political opinions about the country and world in which they live. I’ve heard it stated on more than one occasion that “celebrities” shouldn’t complain about all the media attention or lack of privacy because it comes with the profession. That’s preposterous, ridiculous, and a load of…[bleep].

There’s been much talk as of late regarding “fans” and their sense of entitlement towards celebrities. The idea that fame constitutes ownership on any level is unfathomable. These are men, women, and children who are following their artistic passion. Their profession of choice enables them to make their dreams a reality – to act, sing, dance (all three) and share their art with the public. That’s beautiful and worthy of admiration. However, that does not invite a break in boundaries or lack of privacy by the adoring public. We have NO right to expect and/or demand that an artist (regardless of medium or level of fame) owes us their time, attention, or signature.

I completely understand the excitement of seeing your favorite actor, actress, or musician in person and the once in a lifetime opportunity of getting a selfie to show friends and family. I get that – I truly do. (If I ever met Lea Salonga in person I’d probably lose all ability at putting words together cohesively.)  But to intrude upon their personal space or assume that they have a right to acknowledge my presence because I may will it so…well, no – never would I ever.

Real People image

I like to think of celebrity sightings as a glass-half-full moment. If my favorite TV star or musical lead willingly makes time to sign autographs and take selfies, then that’s a happy surprise. Beside, there’s always conventions!!!!


If they choose instead to wait at the theatre between shows or are exhausted, in a rush, enjoying peace and quiet, or waiting at the airport then who am I to expect or assume that my needs supersede theirs? They owe me nothing – it is quite the opposite. If they’ve been brave enough to embrace their talent and succeed because of it, I owe them my respect and admiration.  I will continue about my day and, if moved enough, write a letter or blog post sharing my appreciation.

Perhaps the next time you’re frustrated, angry, or annoyed that an actor passed you by without acknowledgement, you might consider that…

Actors are real people!


*Recent allegations regarding illegal and unethical behavior by some in positions of power in Hollywood must be voiced and heard in order to enact change. I applaud the brave individuals speaking out against a culture poisoned by those who believe fame gives them a sense of entitlement. If you commit a crime, you should be held accountable by law – regardless of your chosen profession.* 


TV insights: The “Shipping” Industry

That ship has sailed! Fans of TV romantic pairings are quite familiar with the term “ship” for reasons that differ greatly from what may be your understanding of the word.  They champion a certain pairing, send letters, start campaigns, and write post after post after post in “support” of the fictional coupling that moved them more than others.

California coast

While I acknowledge there are certain fictional couples that I root for more than others, I don’t get as passionately involved (pun intended) as my fellow “shippers.”  I sit back, watch the show, read the fan postings and either roll my eyes or chuckle at some of the absurd remarks.  I’ve spent many years observing, and sometimes partaking in, the entertainment “shipping” industry. From all my years of observation, I’ve come to the conclusion that “shippers” fall into three categories:  Smooth Sailing, Bumpy Ride, or Lost at Sea.

  • SMOOTH SAILING:  You know they’re going to pair up one character with another.  You know it’s coming!  It makes perfect sense from a story purpose and character development.  It’ll add intrigue, conflict, and perhaps set the pairing on a journey all their own.  You enjoy the characters on an individual level but when they are in a scene together, the chemistry is palpable.  You may follow a website dedicated to the pairing or comment to a blog when the writer is blatantly disrespectful, but you wouldn’t take the time or effort to bombard head writers or actors with postcards, gifts, or letters.
  • BUMPY RIDE:  Hold on tight now, because you’re in for quite a ride when your favorite TV pairing hits a story pothole.  “They broke them up?!  Noooooo!!!!!”  Okay, I’ll admit it; I’ve uttered those very words a few times.  But that’s only because the Powers-That-Be were wrong.  Sarcasm aside, passengers on the “Bumpy Ride” ship hold on for dear life while forging friendships with others dealing with the same ups and downs of the journey.  They are passionate, determined, but never prone to cruelty just to make their point.
  • LOST AT SEA:  Some “shippers” have left port and are so far out to sea that they’re on their own deserted island.  They’ve lost the know-how of communicating with others.  They are always right.  Their wants and needs supersede anyone else’s.  So, if they believe that the TV couple they “love” is getting the shaft, they come out claws sharpened and tongues wagging.  They slash at you, pounce on you, and couldn’t care less if they stepped over you just to achieve the goal they deem to be of more value than yours.  They use insults, hurl accusations, and misquote everyone associated with the show if that will prove their point.  They twist words and write with tunnel vision.  They are so far out to sea that they wouldn’t see the buoy if it was floating right in front of them.

Whether you are, or know someone who is, part of the 3 “shipping” groups, don’t worry…there’s plenty of others out there who are on the same boat!